Saturday, February 12, 2011

Hope for the children...

Oh, India! Someone today described it in one word, NUTS. A place of constant action, people everywhere, horns honking, cows and goats roaming the streets. It is nuts but is also one of the dirtiest, saddest places I have ever been! The number of lost people in India is heart wrenching! I believe there really is a special anointing on the lives of missionaries that go there! And they need our prayers!
I had the honor of sitting in on some great meetings and conversations this week. There is nothing greater to me to see older leaders cry over lost people, and to hear them say “I want to die with the same passion to win the lost and love God, as I did when I was in my 20’s.” It was inspiring and also reminded me of what a need there is to GO!

Cute Sophie
While in India I was also able to go to a home for children who are orphaned or their families cannot care for them. The home was started when a missionary and his wife started to see the mass amounts of homeless children and would let them stay on the floor of their home! Like some of the other children, sweet Sophie was taken to the home because she came from an abusive situation. Her mother had been tricked into marry a man, that turned out to be an alcoholic and repeatedly tried to kill her, Sophies mother was able to herself and the children out but was still unable to care for them. So Sophie and her bother now live at Hope for the Children.   

It was an incredible experience and a blast to go play games, sing songs, do a lesson and simply be with the kids.


After the lesson on LOVE, I had the kids all draw a picture of what loved looked like to them, and then a few of them shared what their pictures meant... Many were of crosses and some showed freinds! It was honestly so cool to see their pictures and hear their thoughts on love! To me there is no great thing then to hear how a child sees something .   

There are 35 children at this one home, and it was exciting to go when I did because they are just about to finish a new building for the kids. A church in Canada raised $60,000 to build this new building; it is always exciting to see the finish product of people working together.


The sweetest smiles


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