Sunday, March 27, 2011

Consumers market

Every night, Nana Square lights beam and the sounds of loud music and people gathered from all over the world echo through the city. As we walk to the bars, there is a keenness in the air. Meat and fruit vendors lining the streets, massage parlors, street children selling candy to make money for their "agent". The restaurants and bars have tables and chairs outside that paint the picture of "foreign affairs" as couples gather at them. It is one of the most hopeless and heartbreaking places I’ve ever been. In the middle of it all, you see the faces, and your heart breaks.  Just like all the other vendors, the girls face the street, a product to be bought and enjoyed for a moment.

Friday was by far one of my favorite nights here. I could not ask for a better dinner date than 7 sweet, street kids.
 I feel like sometimes it is hard to explain events like this, or even going into the strip clubs. To say it’s overwhelmingly sad, I feel doesn’t give justice to those kids or women’s true state. It is entirely incomprehensible to understand what they really go through on a daily bases. But we get to sneak in a slight glimpse of peace and happiness, into their big picture of horribleness.

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