Wednesday, September 29, 2010


So, I leave for Thailand in 3 months and 25 days! The other night I thought I should start learning the basics of the Thai language. “Sawatdee,” is how to say HELLO!
I honestly have never been so excited about taking a step in life, as I am this one! It is not just about spending 3 months in another country, but it is about taking a HUGE step closer to the BIGGER dream God has given me. But that’s just it, it’s a STEP.

It seems lately when I tell people, I am going to Thailand their first response is, “so you want to be a missionary”?? The first thing I think of when, I think of “missionary,” is overseas for the rest of my LIFE, is that my calling or desire of my heart, I dunno yet. But, missionary defined by Webster is what I am called to do, “a person strongly in favor of a program, and set of principles, who attempts to influence, and bring change to others. A person who is sent on a mission.”

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