Sunday, January 23, 2011

A world away and a day apart.

Wow. It seems like just hours ago I was stepping onto the plane in Atlanta, hard to believe I have already been gone for almost five days! After the 27 hour journey and 12 hour time difference, jet lag has not been a very fun experience, it is now 5am and I have been awake since 2:30am!
But I feel as though I have no words to truly describe how happy I am to be here. The anticipation and expectation of what I thought it would be like did not do justice to how amazing it actually is here! The first few days have flown by! But as tired as I was, it was exciting to jump right into meeting people and seeing where I will be working for the next 3 months, the very first day I was here! I will have great opportunities to make wonderful friends, but mostly I know that living with Sandra and Peter is going to be such a blessing, they are incredible people, full of life, compassion and a love for people! I see them as being very beneficial to my life!

The best part about our world is the differences we have! Even down to the small things, things we say, gestures, foods, do's and don’ts... It leaves so much to be discovered, to learn about! This is a beautiful country, they have 3 cores values FUN, RELAX, CONVIENCE! Avoid conflict and maintain harmony as much as possible! For my quiet, introverted self, I feel like I have found a corner of the world I will enjoy very much!

The Thai church we attended on Sunday!

Thank goodness for the transition on headphones, or I would have been completely lost!

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