Sunday, January 30, 2011

1 Timothy 5:2

I love that only after a week of working with the kids; I am greeted now every morning with a loud phee Megaaan, Megaan! It makes the walk to the children’s center in the heat and humidity worth it! I came just at the end of the “cool” season, it is about 80 in the days and each day we move a little closer into the hot season! Love it!
BUT more importantly! I believe my heart now belongs to a very cute boy, with dark hair, dark eyes and the sweetest personality!

Chopper and I have become great pals; I teach him simple English words while in return I learn the names of animals in Thai! He is a great teacher… I love that no matter where you are, children are children! Though I face many conversations where I do not understand a word, when interacting with the kids understanding each other doesn’t seem to matter much when the main matter is running around, dancing and getting acted with tickles!

NightLight is the ministry I am working at, they provide an alternative for the women who once had no hope of freedom, who have been exploited or were at risk of exploitation in the bars. I was able to spend some time making jewelry with the girls this week; it was great to spend time with them. I can’t wait to start language school on Monday though; the language barrier is hard at times.

I experienced my first strip club outreach Friday night. To go into that kind of setting to minister is unlike anything I have ever done! As soon as you walk into the room you are filled with so many emotions at one time. There is a deep compassion that runs through you for the girls, it is sad for the ones that feel trapped and confined to a life style because they see no other way of income! We met an older woman, who turned out to be the mother of one of the other girls! Sad on so many levels. For me personally that night, I felt God's love in a new way. I know that we have His presence with us all the time, but when you walk into a place where the filth and perversion are so thick you can feel it in the air, honestly its hard not to feel hopeless. However, I couldn’t help but feel the complete opposite, I felt such a peace, purity and a true hope.

"Treat older women as mothers, and younger women as sisters, with absolute purity..."

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