Monday, January 31, 2011

The Erawan Shrine.

I was in awe. Worshiping in the middle of the day, in the middle of the city streets! People desperate, wishing for luck in business or for love! Offering food and drinks, colorful flowers and wooden elephants, daily they come, hundreds of people. The statue sits surrounded by offerings of flowers, incense and candles. It was beautiful to behold. BUT. A shrine, that’s all I could think. They pour their all out to a structure, in front of everyone, the sounds of busy people and noise everywhere,but they worship.

If you were to say they were crazy, they would not care, they probably would in turn say, no you are the crazy one! I was beholding a site I have never seen, and I had no idea seeing an idol being worshiped would make me feel the way I did. I was dumbfounded to the point of tears in my eyes.

The sad thing was not that they were in the streets worshiping their god, no; it was that I wasn’t worshiping the GOD. Call it shame, pride, religion, fear! Call it whatever, but all I can ask myself is why? Why do they have a doubtless belief that good will come out of something that is leading them to such harm? Why do I know the King of Kings if I am too ashamed to say His name! One thing I did leave the Shrine understanding is how Shadrach, Meshach and abednego must have felt. I believe they probably looked at the idol the way I did, broken because of the people bowing, but even more confident to stand because of the love of God they felt.

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